Past Events

Technical Webinar – The introduction of Rail Milling Train in MTR
MTR has been providing transportation services to Hong Kong for more than 40 years. In order to maintain the quality and reliable of train services, sufficient and appropriate maintenances are essential and critical. One of the traditional elements for track maintenance is rail re-profiling, which not only enhance the track condition for riding comfort as well as noise reduction, appropriate reprofiling strategy would also optimize the asset life of rail. Recent years, a breakthrough of the conventional machinery method of grinding for rail re-profiling has been introduced in MTR. This Seminar will share the introduction of Rail Milling Train, which enables a strategy of mixing two machinery methods and the advantages & disadvantages.
Mr. Noel Tsang is currently the PWay Machines Manager – Production of MTR Corporation Limited, looking after the rail re-profiling maintenance across the whole MTR network, including HSR. He has been working in the Railway industry for nearly 10 years. With his prior experiences on Mechanical and Aerospace industries, he is always aiming at continuous improvements on efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance in order to enhance the overall service sustainability for future.
For registration, each participant has to confirm to CHKRI his/her name, employer and contact telephone number by filling the online form on or before 28th November 2022. Successful registrants will be notified in due course. The TEAMS link will be sent on 29th November. Certificate of Attendance will be issued to paid-up members ONLY.
Alex Lo
Secretary, CHKRI